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Anonymous. S205 Notes. Summary of ALGOL-20 Statements for Printing. C.C.D.-31, Carnegie Institute of Technology, February 12, 1964.

Anonymous. S205 Notes. Summary of ALGOL-20 Statements for Printing. C.C.D.-31, Carnegie Institute of Technology, February 12, 1964.

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Paul Knueven?. Algol 68 User Manual, March 8, 1978. Manual for CMU ALGOL 68S

Paul Knueven?. Algol 68 User Manual, March 8, 1978. Manual for CMU ALGOL 68S OCR'ed by W. B. Kloke from copy made by Andy Walker.

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Janet Fierst (editor), David Blocher, Robert Braden, Arthur Evans Jr. and Richard Grove. ALGOL-20: A Language Manual. February 1965.

Janet Fierst (editor), David Blocher, Robert Braden, Arthur Evans Jr. and Richard Grove. ALGOL-20: A Language Manual. Carnegie Institute of Technology, February 1965.

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UNIVAC 1100 series NU ALGOL Programmer Reference. UP-7884, 1971.

Anonymous. UNIVAC 1100 series NU ALGOL Programmer Reference. UP-7884, Sperry-Univac, September 1971.

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Anonymous. The NU ALGOL Programming System for UNIVAC 1107/1108 : Programmers Guide and Reference Manual. December 1969.

Anonymous. The NU ALGOL Programming System for UNIVAC 1107/1108 : Programmers Guide and Reference Manual. Computing Centre, NTH, Trondheim, Norway, December 1969.

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FLACC User Guide. FLACC Version 1.6, November 1981, Chion Corporation, 1981.

FLACC User Guide. FLACC Version 1.6, November 1981, Chion Corporation, 1981.

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Ralph Love, et al. BC ALGOL Manual. October 1966

Ralph Love, et al. BC ALGOL Manual. Computer Center, University of California, Berkeley, October 1966.

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Krystyna Jerzykiewicz and Jerzy Szczepkowicz. ALGOL 1204.

Krystyna Jerzykiewicz and Jerzy Szczepkowicz. ALGOL 1204. Warsaw, 1973. In Polish. Posted here by permission of Krystyna Jerzykiewicz.

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Table of Contents for Krystyna Jerzykiewicz and Jerzy Szczepkowicz. ALGOL 1204.

Table of Contents for Krystyna Jerzykiewicz and Jerzy Szczepkowicz. ALGOL 1204.

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Anonymous. The Burroughs Algebraic Compiler for the 205 Programmers Manual. Bulletin 3041, February 1961.

Anonymous. The Burroughs Algebraic Compiler for the 205 Programmers Manual. Bulletin 3041, Burroughs Corporation, Pasadena, California, February 1961. Copy belonging to Tom Sawyer.

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C. J. Shaw. Programming languages and JOVIAL. Brochure, SDC, 1960.

C. J. Shaw. Programming languages and JOVIAL. Brochure, System Development Corporation, November 1960, 12 pages.

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Gennart and Louis. ALGOL 68/19 Reference Manual. 1975-1976

Gennart and Louis. ALGOL 68/19 Reference Manual. Koninklijke Militaire School, 1975 and Universite Catholique Louvain, 1976.

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James Eve, editor. ALGOL W Reference Manual, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, June 1972.

James Eve, editor. ALGOL W Reference Manual, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, June 1972. Orginally from

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Ole-Johan Dahl, Bjørn Myhrhaug, and Kristen Nygaard. Common Base Language. Norwegian Computer Center, October 1970.

Ole-Johan Dahl, Bjørn Myhrhaug, and Kristen Nygaard. Common Base Language. Publication No. S-22, Norwegian Computer Center, October 1970, 145 pages. Originally from .

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Ole-Johan Dahl, Bjørn Myhrhaug, and Kristen Nygaard. Common Base Language. NR Report 743 (the last revision), February 10, 1984.

Ole-Johan Dahl, Bjørn Myhrhaug, and Kristen Nygaard. Common Base Language. NR Report 743 (the last revision), February 10, 1984, 181 pages. Originally from

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Anonymous. Data processing - Programming languages - Simula. Svensk Standard SS 63 61 14, May 20, 1987.

Anonymous. Data processing - Programming languages - Simula. Svensk Standard SS 63 61 14, May 20, 1987, 178 pages. Originally from

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Program Development Group. Technical Manual for the Bendix G-15 ALGO Programming System. Bendix Computer Division of The Bendix Corporation, April 1961, 240 pages

Program Development Group. Technical Manual for the Bendix G-15 ALGO Programming System. Bendix Computer Division of The Bendix Corporation, April 1961, 240 pages. Courtesy of Rob Kolstad. Chapters 10 and 11—Flowcharts and source code—aren't listed in the table of contents, but represent 3/4 of the document.

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