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/* @(#) stream.h 1.3 1/27/86 17:47:02 */
/*ident "@(#)cfront:incl/stream.h 1.3"*/
stream.h, the header file for the C++ stream i/o system 4/06/85
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
#ifndef EOF
#define EOF (-1)
#ifndef BUFSIZE
#define BUFSIZE 1024
#ifndef STREAMH
#define STREAMH
enum state_value { _good=0, _eof=1, _fail=2, _bad=4 };
enum open_mode { input=0, output=1, append=2 };
struct streambuf { // a buffer for streams
char* base; // pointer to beginning of buffer
char* pptr; // pointer to next free byte
char* gptr; // pointer to next filled byte
char* eptr; // pointer to first byte following buffer
char alloc; // true if buffer is allocated using "new"
virtual overflow(int c=EOF); // Empty a buffer.
// Return EOF on error
// 0 on success
virtual int underflow(); // Fill a buffer
// Return EOF on error or end of input
// next character on success
inline int sgetc() // get the current character
return (gptr==pptr) ? underflow() : *gptr&0377;
inline int snextc() // get the next character
return ((++gptr)==pptr) ? underflow() : *gptr&0377;
inline void sputbackc(char c)
Return a character to the buffer (ala lookahead 1). Since
the user may be "playing games" the character might be
different than the last one returned by sgetc or snextc.
If the user attempts to put back more characters than have
been extracted, nothing will be put back.
Putting back an EOF is DANGEROUS.
if (gptr >= base) *--gptr = c;
inline int sputc(int c =EOF) // put a character into the buffer
return (eptr<=pptr) ? overflow(c&0377) : (*pptr++=c&0377);
inline streambuf * setbuf(char *p, int len, int count =0)
supply an area for a buffer.
The "count" parameter allows the buffer to start in non-empty.
base = gptr = p;
pptr = p + count;
eptr = base + len;
return this;
int allocate(); // allocate some space for the buffer
streambuf() { base = gptr = pptr = eptr = NULL; alloc = 0; }
streambuf(char* p, int l) { setbuf(p,l); alloc = 0; }
~streambuf() { if (base != NULL && alloc) delete base; }
extern int close(int);
struct filebuf : public streambuf { // a stream buffer for files
int fd; // file descriptor
char opened; // non-zero if file has been opened
int overflow(int c=EOF); // Empty a buffer.
// Return EOF on error
// 0 on success
int underflow(); // Fill a buffer.
// Return EOF on error or end of input
// next character on success
filebuf* open(char *name, open_mode om); // Open a file
// return 0 if failure
// return "this" if success
int close() { int i = opened?::close(fd):0; opened=0; return i; }
filebuf() { opened = 0; }
filebuf(int nfd) { fd = nfd; opened = 1; }
filebuf(int nfd, char* p, int l) : (p,l) { fd = nfd; opened = 1; }
~filebuf() { close(); }
struct circbuf : public streambuf { // a circular stream buffer
int overflow(int c=EOF); // Empty a buffer.
// Return EOF on error
// 0 on success
int underflow(); // Fill a buffer.
// Return EOF on error or end of input
// next character on success
circbuf() { }
~circbuf() { }
* This type defines white space. Any number of whitespace
* characters can be used to separate two fields in an input
* stream. The effect of sending an input stream to a whitespace
* object is to cause all whitespace in the input stream, up to the
* next non-whitespace character, to be discarded. The whitespace
* characters are space, tab, form feed, and new line.
struct whitespace { };
/***************************** output: *********************************/
extern char* oct(long, int =0);
extern char* dec(long, int =0);
extern char* hex(long, int =0);
extern char* chr(int, int =0); // chr(0) is the empty string ""
extern char* str(char*, int =0);
extern char* form(char* ...); // printf format
class istream;
class common;
class ostream {
friend istream;
streambuf* bp;
short state;
ostream& operator<<(char*); // write string
ostream& operator<<(int a) { return *this<<long(a); }
ostream& operator<<(long); // beware: << 'a' writes 97
ostream& operator<<(double);
ostream& operator<<(streambuf&);
ostream& operator<<(whitespace&);
ostream& operator<<(common&);
ostream& put(char); // put('a') writes a
ostream& flush() { bp->overflow(); return *this; }
operator void*(){ return _eof<state?0:this; }
int operator!() { return _eof<state; }
int eof() { return state&_eof; }
int fail() { return _eof<state; }
int bad() { return _fail<state; }
int good() { return state==_good; }
void clear(state_value i =0) { state=i; }
int rdstate() { return state; }
char* bufptr() { return bp->base; }
ostream(streambuf* s) { bp = s; state = 0; }
ostream(int fd) { bp = new filebuf(fd); state = 0; }
ostream(int size, char* p)
state = 0;
bp = new streambuf();
if (p == 0) p = new char[size];
bp->setbuf(p, size);
~ostream() { flush(); }
/***************************** input: ***********************************/
The >> operator reads after skipping initial whitespace
get() reads but does not skip whitespace
if >> fails (1) the state of the stream turns non-zero
(2) the value of the argument does not change
(3) non-whitespace characters are put back onto the stream
>> get() fails if the state of the stream is non-zero
class istream {
friend ostream;
streambuf* bp;
ostream* tied_to;
char skipws; // if non-null, automaticly skip whitespace
short state;
friend void eatwhite (istream&);
int skip(int i) { int ii=skipws; skipws=i; return ii; }
formatted input: >> skip whitespace
istream& operator>>(char*); // string
istream& operator>>(char&); // single character
istream& operator>>(short&);
istream& operator>>(int&);
istream& operator>>(long&);
istream& operator>>(float&);
istream& operator>>(double&);
istream& operator>>(streambuf&);
istream& operator>>(whitespace&); // skip whitespace
istream& operator>>(common&);
raw input: get's do not skip whitespace
istream& get(char*, int, char ='\n'); // string
istream& get(streambuf& sb, char ='\n');
istream& get(char& c) // single character
int os = skip(0);
*this >> c;
return *this;
istream& putback(char c);
ostream* tie(ostream& s) { ostream* t = tied_to; tied_to = &s; return t; }
operator void*(){ return _eof<state?0:this; }
int operator!() { return _eof<state; }
int eof() { return state&_eof; }
int fail() { return _eof<state; }
int bad() { return _fail<state; }
int good() { return state==_good; }
void clear(state_value i =0) { state=i; }
int rdstate() { return state; }
char* bufptr() { return bp->base; }
istream(streambuf* s, int sk =1, ostream* t =0) // bind to buffer
state = 0;
skipws = sk;
tied_to = t;
bp = s;
istream(int size, char* p, int sk =1) // bind to string
state = 0;
skipws = sk;
tied_to = 0;
bp = new streambuf();
if (p == 0) p = new char[size];
bp->setbuf(p, size, size);
istream(int fd, int sk =1, ostream* t =0) // bind to file
state = 0;
skipws = sk;
tied_to = t;
bp = new filebuf(fd);
extern istream cin; // standard input predefined
extern ostream cout; // standard output
extern ostream cerr; // error output
extern whitespace WS; // predefined white space