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by Paul McJones last modified 2007-02-02 09:33

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/* @(#) timer.c 1.2 1/27/86 17:48:11 */
/*ident	"@(#)cfront:lib/task/timer.c	1.2"*/
/* @(#) timer.c 1.1 1/17/85 14:48:50 */
#include "task.h"

timer.timer(int d) : (TIMER)
DB(("x%x->timer( %d )\n", this, d));
	s_state = IDLE;

DB(("x%x->~timer()\n", this));
	if (s_state != TERMINATED) task_error(E_TIMERDEL,this);

void timer.reset(int d)
DB(("x%x->~timer::reset( %d )\n", this,d));

void timer.print(int /*n*/)
	long tt = s_time;
	printf("timer %ld == clock+%ld\n",tt,tt-clock);
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