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by Paul McJones last modified 2007-02-02 09:35

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#Makefile for the CC translator
#	BSD 4.2 or later should first run bsd.sed in the scratch directory
#	and set CCFLAGS=-DBSD
#	also set BSD=1


#For first make (bootstrap):
#	make scratch		#on system V, BSD 4.1 or earlier
#	make


all:	libC.a munch cfront

libC.a:	always
	cd lib/mk; $(MAKE) CC=$(CC) CCFLAGS="$(CCFLAGS)" BSD=$(BSD)
	mv lib/mk/libC.a .

munch:	lib/static/munch.c
	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -o munch lib/static/munch.c
	rm munch.o

cfront: always
	cd src; $(MAKE) CC=$(CC) CCFLAGS="$(CCFLAGS)"
	mv src/cfront cfront
scratch: always
	cd scratch; $(MAKE) CC=$(CC) BSD=$(BSD) CCFLAGS="$(CCFLAGS)"

#This target will populate the scratch directories with good-old-c
#files.  This is used to port to another machine.

#	make sure the directories exist:
	if test ! -d scratch/src; then mkdir scratch/src; fi
	if test ! -d scratch/mnch; then mkdir scratch/mnch; fi
	if test ! -d scratch/lib; then mkdir scratch/lib; fi
	cd src; yacc gram.y
	cd scratch/src; $(CC) -I../../src -I../../incl -Fc -..c ../../src/*.c;
	cd scratch/lib; $(CC) -I../../lib/complex \
		 -I../../incl -Fc -..c ../../lib/new/*.c
	cd scratch/lib; $(CC) -I../../lib/complex \
		 -I../../incl -Fc -..c ../../lib/static/*.c
	rm scratch/lib/munch..c
#Dont need a real munch here:
	echo "main(){ exit(0); }" >scratch/mnch/munch..c
	chmod +x CC patch/CC scratch/bsd.sed

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