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by Paul McJones last modified 2007-02-02 09:34

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/* @(#) expand.c 1.3 1/27/86 17:48:48 */ 
/*ident	"@(#)cfront:src/expand.c	1.3" */

	C++ source for cfront, the C++ compiler front-end
	written in the computer science research center of Bell Labs

	Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T, Inc. All Rights Reserved


	expand inline functions


#include "cfront.h"

char* temp(char* vn, char* fn, char* cn)
	make the name of the temporary: _X_vn_fn_cn
{	if (vn[0]!='_' || vn[1]!='X') {
		int vnl = strlen(vn);
		int fnl = strlen(fn);
		int cnl = (cn)?strlen(cn):0;
		char* s = new char[vnl+fnl+cnl+6];

		s[0] = '_';
		s[1] = 'X';
		s[vnl+2] = '_';
		if (cnl) {
			s[vnl+fnl+3] = '_';
		return s;
		return vn;


Pname dcl_local(Ptable scope, Pname an, Pname fn)
	if (scope == 0) {
		error('s',"cannot expand inlineF needing temporary variable in nonF context");
		return an;
	if (an->n_stclass == STATIC) error('s',"static%n in inlineF",an);
	Pname cn = fn->n_table->t_name;
	char* s = temp(an->string,fn->string,(cn)?cn->string:0);
	Pname nx = new name(s);
/*error('d',"%n: %d->dcl_local(%s)",fn,scope,s); */
	nx->tp = an->tp;
	nx->n_used = an->n_used;
	nx->n_assigned_to = an->n_assigned_to;
	nx->n_addr_taken = an->n_addr_taken;
	Pname r = scope->insert(nx,0);
	delete nx;
	return r;

Pstmt stmt.expand()
	copy the statements with the formal arguments replaced by ANAMES 

	called once only per inline function
	expand_tbl!=0 if the function should be transformed into an expression
	and expand_tbl is the table for local variables
	if (this == 0) error('i',"0->stmt.expand() for%n",expand_fn);
/*error('d',"stmt %d:%k s=%d e=%d l=%d",this,base,s,e,s_list);*/

	if (memtbl) {	/* check for static variables */
		register Ptable t = memtbl;
		register int i;
		for (register Pname n = t->get_mem(i=1); n; n=t->get_mem(++i)) 
			if (n->n_stclass == STATIC) {
				error('s',"static%n in inlineF",n);
				n->n_stclass = AUTO;

	if (expand_tbl) {	/* make expression */
		Pexpr ee;
		static ret_seen = 0;

		if (memtbl && base!=BLOCK) { /* temporaries */
			int i;
			Pname n;
			Ptable tbl = memtbl;
			for (n = tbl->get_mem(i=1); n; n=tbl->get_mem(++i)) {
/*error('d',"%n: %n",expand_fn,n);*/
				Pname nn = dcl_local(scope,n,expand_fn);
				nn->base = NAME;
				n->string = nn->string;

		switch (base) {
			error('s',"%kS in inline%n",base,expand_fn);
			return (Pstmt)dummy;

		case BLOCK:
			if (s_list) {
				ee = (Pexpr) s_list->expand();
				if (s) {
					ee = new expr(CM, (Pexpr)s->expand(), ee);	
				return (Pstmt) ee;

			if (s) return s->expand();

			return (Pstmt) zero;

		case PAIR:
			ee = s2 ? (Pexpr)s2->expand() : 0;
			ee = new expr(CM, s?(Pexpr)s->expand():0, ee);
			if (s_list) ee = new expr(CM, ee, (Pexpr)s_list->expand());
			return (Pstmt) ee;

		case RETURN:
			ret_seen = 1;
			s_list = 0;
			return (Pstmt) e->expand();

		case SM:
			ee = (e==0 || e->base==DUMMY) ? zero : e->expand();
			if (s_list) {
				ee = new expr(CM, ee, (Pexpr)s_list->expand());
			return (Pstmt)ee;

		case IF:
		{	ret_seen = 0;
			Pexpr qq = new expr(QUEST,(Pexpr)s->expand(),0);
			qq->cond = e->expand();
			qq->e2 = else_stmt ? (Pexpr)else_stmt->expand() : zero;
			if (ret_seen && s_list) error('s',"S after \"return\" inIF");
			ret_seen = 0;
			if (s_list) qq = new expr(CM,qq,(Pexpr)s_list->expand());
			return (Pstmt)qq;

	switch (base) {
		if (e) e = e->expand();
	case PAIR:
		if (s2) s2 = s2->expand();
	case BLOCK:
	case FOR:
		if (for_init) for_init = for_init->expand();
		if (e2) e2 = e2->expand();
	case LABEL:
	case GOTO:
	case RETURN:
	case BREAK:
		error('s',"%kS in inline%n",base,expand_fn);

	if (s) s = s->expand();
	if (s_list) s_list = s_list->expand();
	return this;

Pexpr expr.expand()
	if (this == 0) error('i',"expr.expand(0)");
/*fprintf(stderr,"%s(): expr %d: b=%d e1=%d e2=%d\n",expand_fn->string,this,base,e1,e2); fflush(stderr);*/
	switch (base) {
	case NAME:
		if (expand_tbl && ((Pname)this)->n_scope==FCT) {
			Pname n = (Pname)this;
			char* s = n->string;
			if (s[0]=='_' && s[1]=='X') break;
			Pname cn = expand_fn->n_table->t_name;
			n->string = temp(s,expand_fn->string,(cn)?cn->string:0);
	case DUMMY:
	case ICON:
	case FCON:
	case CCON:
	case IVAL:
	case FVAL:
	case LVAL:
	case STRING:
	case ZERO:
	case SIZEOF:
	case TEXT:
	case ANAME:
	case ICALL:
		if (expand_tbl && e1==0) {
			Pname fn = il->fct_name;
			Pfct f = (Pfct)fn->tp;
			if (f->returns==void_type && fn->n_oper!=CTOR)
				error('s',"non-value-returning inline%n called in value-returning inline%n",fn,expand_fn);
				error("inline%n called before defined",fn);
	case QUEST:
		cond = cond->expand();
		if (e2) e2 = e2->expand();
	case REF:
	case DOT:
		if (e1) e1 = e1->expand();
	case CAST:
		e1 = e1->expand();

	return this;

bit expr.not_simple()
	is a temporary variable needed to hold the value of this expression
	as an argument for an inline expansion?
	return 1; if side effect
	return 2; if modifies expression
	int s;
	switch (base) {
		return 2;
	case ZERO:
	case IVAL:
	case FVAL:
	case ICON:
	case CCON:
	case FCON:
	case STRING:
	case NAME:	/* unsafe (alias) */
		return 0;
	case SIZEOF:
		return e1==dummy?0:e1->not_simple();
	case G_ADDROF:
	case ADDROF:
		return e2->not_simple();
	case CAST:
	case DOT:
	case REF:
		return e1->not_simple();
	case UMINUS:
	case NOT:
	case COMPL:
		return e2->not_simple();
	case DEREF:
		s = e1->not_simple();
		if (1<s) return 2;
		if (e2==0) return s;
		return s |= e2->not_simple();
	case MUL:
	case DIV:
	case MOD:
	case PLUS:
	case MINUS:
	case LS:
	case RS:
	case AND:
	case OR:
	case ER:
	case LT:
	case LE:
	case GT:
	case GE:
	case EQ:
	case NE:
	case ANDAND:
	case OROR:
	case CM:
		s = e1->not_simple();
		if (1<s) return 2;
		return s |= e2->not_simple();
	case QUEST:
		s = cond->not_simple();
		if (1<s) return 2;
		s |= e1->not_simple();
		if (1<s) return 2;
		return s |= e2->not_simple();
	case ANAME:
		if (curr_icall) {
			Pname n = (Pname)this;
			int argno = n->n_val;
			Pin il;
			for (il=curr_icall; il; il=il->i_next)
				if (n->n_table == il->i_table) goto aok;
			goto bok;
			return (il->local[argno]) ? 0 : il->arg[argno]->not_simple();
	bok:	error('i',"expand aname%n",this);
	case VALUE:
	case NEW:
	case CALL:
	case G_CALL:
	case ICALL:
	case ASSIGN:
	case INCR:
	case DECR:
	case ASPLUS:
	case ASMINUS:
	case ASMUL:
	case ASDIV:
	case ASMOD:
	case ASAND:
	case ASOR:
	case ASER:
	case ASLS:
	case ASRS:
		return 2;

Pexpr fct.expand(Pname fn, Ptable scope, Pexpr ll)
	expand call to (previously defined) inline function in "scope"
	with the argument list "ll"
	(1) declare variables in "scope"
	(2) initialize argument variables
	(3) link to body
//error('d',"expand%n inline=%d body %d defined %d f_expr %d last_exp=%d curr_expr=%d",fn,f_inline,body,defined ,f_expr,last_expanded,curr_expr);
	if ((body==0 && f_expr==0)			// before defined
	||  ((defined&SIMPLIFIED)==0)			// before simplified
	||  (Pfct(fn->tp)->body->memtbl==scope)		// while defining
	||  (f_inline==2)				// recursive call
	||  (last_expanded && last_expanded==curr_expr)	// twice in an expression
	) {
		fn->take_addr();			/* so don't expand */
		if (fn->n_addr_taken == 1) {
			Pname nn = new name;		/* but declare it */
			*nn = *fn;
			nn->n_list = dcl_list;
			nn->n_sto = STATIC;
			dcl_list = nn;
		return 0;

	f_inline = 2;

	Pin il = new iline;
	Pexpr ic = new texpr(ICALL,0,0);
	il->fct_name = fn;
	ic->il = il;
	ic->tp = returns;
	Pname n;
	Pname at = (f_this) ? f_this : argtype;
	if (at) il->i_table = at->n_table;
	int i = 0;
	int not_simple = 0;	/* is a temporary argument needed? */

	for (n=at; n; n=n->n_list, i++) {
		/*	check formal/actual argument pairs
			and generate temporaries as necessary
		if (ll == 0) error('i'," for %n",fn);
		Pexpr ee;

		if (ll->base == ELIST) {
			ee = ll->e1;
			ll = ll->e2;
		else {
			ee = ll;
			ll = 0;

		int s;	/* could be avoided when expanding into a block */

//error('d',"n=%n addr %d ass %d used %d ee %k => %d",n,n->n_addr_taken,n->n_assigned_to,n->n_used,ee->base,ee->not_simple());
		if (n->n_assigned_to == FUDGE111) {	/* constructor's this */
			if (ee!=zero && ee->not_simple()==0) {		/* automatic or static
							   then we can use the
							   actual variable
				il->local[i] = 0;
				goto zxc;

		if (n->n_addr_taken
		|| n->n_assigned_to) {
			Pname nn = dcl_local(scope,n,fn);
			nn->base = NAME;
			il->local[i] = nn;
		else if (n->n_used
			&& (s=ee->not_simple())
			&& (1<s || 1<n->n_used) ) {	/* not safe */
			Pname nn = dcl_local(scope,n,fn);
			nn->base = NAME;
			il->local[i] = nn;
			il->local[i] = 0;
		il->arg[i] = ee;
		il->tp[i] = n->tp;
	Ptable tbl = body->memtbl;
	if (f_expr) {	/* generate comma expression */
		char loc_var = 0;
		/* look for local variables needing declaration: */
//error('d',"fn%n tbl %d",fn,tbl);
		for (n=tbl->get_mem(i=1); n; n=tbl->get_mem(++i) ) {
//error('d',"?%s: b=%d u%d =%d &=%d",n->string,n->base,n->n_used,n->n_assigned_to,n->n_addr_taken);
			if (n->base==NAME
			&& (n->n_used||n->n_assigned_to||n->n_addr_taken)) {
				Pname nn = dcl_local(scope,n,fn);
				nn->base = NAME;
				n->string = nn->string;
/*error('d',"not_simple=%d loc_var=%d last_expanded=%d curr_expr=%d",not_simple,loc_var,last_expanded,curr_expr);*/
		if (not_simple || loc_var) last_expanded = curr_expr;

		Pexpr ex;
		if (not_simple) {
			Pexpr etail = ex = new expr(CM,0,0);
			for (i=0; i<MIA; i++) {
				Pname n = il->local[i];
				if (n==0) continue;
				Pexpr e = il->arg[i];
				etail->e1 = new expr(ASSIGN,n,e);
/*error('d',"%n = %k",n,e->base);*/
				if (--not_simple)
					etail = etail->e2 = new expr(CM,0,0);
			etail->e2 = f_expr;
		else {
			ex = f_expr;
		ic->e1 = ex;
	else {	/* generate block: */
		for (n=tbl->get_mem(i=1); n; n=tbl->get_mem(++i) ) {
			// mangle local names
//error('d',"?%s: b=%d u%d =%d &=%d",n->string,n->base,n->n_used,n->n_assigned_to,n->n_addr_taken);
			if (n->base==NAME
			&& (n->n_used||n->n_assigned_to||n->n_addr_taken)) {
				Pname cn = fn->n_table->t_name;
				n->string = temp(n->string,fn->string,(cn)?cn->string:0);
		Pstmt ss;
		if (not_simple) {
			last_expanded = curr_expr;
			Pstmt st = new estmt(SM,curloc,0,0);
			Pstmt stail = st;
			for (i=0; i<MIA; i++) {
				Pname n = il->local[i];
				if (n == 0) continue;
				Pexpr e = il->arg[i];
				stail->e = new expr(ASSIGN,n,e);
				if (--not_simple)
					stail = stail->s_list = new estmt(SM,curloc,0,0);
			stail->s_list = body;
			ss = new block(curloc,0,st);
		else {
			ss = body;
		ic->e2 = (Pexpr)ss;

	f_inline = 1;
	return ic;
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