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"ISLISP was designed on the bases of KL (proposed by Japan) and CLOS (proposed by US), reflecting experiences of COMMON LISP, EULISP, LE LISP, and SCHEME, and taking into account common practices in the Lisp community. ISLISP is a small Lisp, but it is designed with extensibility in mind, trying to keep compatibility with existing Lisp dialects, too."

Version 4.08 source code. March 8, 2002. by Paul McJones — last modified 2020-04-22 08:32
Version 4.08 source code. March 8, 2002. Posted by permission of Professor Takayasu Ito. File retrieved from in July 2008.
Version 4.08 Windows 2000 executable. March 8, 2002. by Paul McJones — last modified 2020-04-22 08:35
Version 4.08 Windows 2000 executable. March 8, 2002. Posted by permission of Professor Takayasu Ito. File retrieved from in July 2008.
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