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LISP 1.5

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lisp.dck by Paul McJones — last modified 2006-08-12 17:31
lisp.dck.gz by Paul McJones — last modified 2006-08-12 17:28
lisp.ini by Paul McJones — last modified 2006-08-12 17:28
lisp.job by Paul McJones — last modified 2006-08-12 17:31
lisp.job.gz by Paul McJones — last modified 2006-08-12 17:28
lisp.lst by Paul McJones — last modified 2006-08-12 17:31
lisp.lst.gz by Paul McJones — last modified 2006-08-12 17:28
lisptest.job by Paul McJones — last modified 2006-08-12 17:28
readme.txt by Paul McJones — last modified 2006-08-12 17:28
sys.log by Paul McJones — last modified 2006-08-12 17:28
Robert R. Fenichel and Joel Moses. Notes accompanying CTSS LISP listing of February 7, 1966. by Paul McJones — last modified 2010-10-30 17:37
Robert R. Fenichel and Joel Moses. Notes accompanying CTSS LISP listing of February 7, 1966.
MIT Lisp 1.5 group, modified for CTSS by Joel Moses and Robert R. Fenichel. CTSS LISP, February 7, 1966. by Paul McJones — last modified 2011-11-18 20:18
MIT Lisp 1.5 group, modified for CTSS by Joel Moses and Robert R. Fenichel. CTSS LISP, February 7, 1966. Updated November 18, 2011: Corrected out-of-order pages in PDF file.
LISP 1.5 Library, November 1963. by Paul McJones — last modified 2010-11-27 21:12
LISP 1.5 Library, November 1963. Contains PUNCHLAP, PRINTPROP, PUNCHDEF, TRACESET, COMPILER, SIMPLIFY [MIT AI Memo 27], METEOR [MIT AI MEMO 51], MACRO [AI MEMO 57], DEFINELIST, MATHREAD [Stanford AI Memo 18], Compiler test.
Pascal Bourguignon. Reconstruction of assembly source code from listing of "FIELD TEST ASSEMBLY OF LISP 1.5 SEPTEMBER 1961". by Paul McJones — last modified 2014-07-28 20:31
Pascal Bourguignon. Reconstruction of assembly source code from listing of "FIELD TEST ASSEMBLY OF LISP 1.5 SEPTEMBER 1961". Fetched from on June 8, 2005.
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